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Saturday, December 22, 2007


I don't prefer writing in first person style. Especially because as a blogger, there must be an element of imagination added to reality though in a propotion which will give no clue of what is fiction and what is not. And writing in first person's style will just induce moral questions within myself about the autenticity of information that i provide.
So let us from now on think of Gilmananda as an unknown random figure (a male figure) about whom we know of nothing.
We need to go a few years back in time to actually start this enthralling story, the journey about the man who is reverred by millions today for the theory and concepts he has put forth for the betterment of mankind.

Hah... we speak about it we are there now!
The time when it all began. The time when the first traces of Gilmananda' knowledge shower was sprinkled on the rotating earth' sand covered body.
Tighten your seat belts.
You are just about to go on a shhhewwwwwwwwwwwsshhhhhhhhhhhhhh ride.

Here is an imaginary face to face interview with Gilmananda to make you understand him better.
Please do Remember that we are in the year 2002 A.D - 5 years back and the world had known nothing about gilmananda at that point in time.

Here we go.
The Rapid fire round starts!
Enjoy Gilmananda's fast and furious answers to all the questions put forth by our expert crew.


Name - Gilmananda
Location - Coimbatore, India.
Friends(Boys) Call as - Gin. (Read as Ghin with a silent 'h' and loud 'i')
Friends(Girls) call as - hmm... hmmm.... they don't call.... i mean ... they don't call with a specific name

Height - Tall - Taller than you by 14 inches to be precise.
Weight - Heavy - Heavier than you by 13 Kgs to be precise.
Face - Perfect Circle. Perfect. ( x^2 + y^2 = 25 )
Eyes - Black. Two in number.
Nose - Straight. Long.
Mush/Beard - Depends on the mood. (of the barber)
Complexion - Wheatish. (Chappathi like - but without kurma.)
Sexual Orientation - Refer to the answer to Nose. (Please Consider only the first part of it)

Dressing - Jeans, T-Shirt (with collar only)
Washing - Dhobi !
Bathing - May be !!
Sleeping - Hobby !!!

Girl Friends - currently two.
Girl Friends - actually One.
Girl Friends - Ok. Accepted. Zero.
Girls talked with - Havent' Counted before
Girls talked with - Havent' Calculated before.
Girls talked with - Ok. Accepted. Haven' talked before.

Occupation - Engineering.
What do you Engineer? - Pass. next question.
Department - Computer science and Engineering.
Languages Known - Tamil, Telugu, C, C++
What about English? - Isn't that implied given i have been answering in it so far.
Favourite Subject - Mathematics. (kanakku)
Favourite Sport - Cricket.
Favourite book - Ponniyin Selvan.

Ambition in life - To complete writing my novel before 2003.
Genre of the novel - Romance
Inspired by - Real life incidents.
Inspired by - ok.Pure Imagination.

Idea of a perfect first date - Dollar at hash percentage and exclamation at star percentage
What? - $@#%&!@*%
Learnings from past
relationship - actually speaking, the probabilty that given the facts that...
Ok.Stop. - Done.



Stranger said...

Vazhga Gilmananda

Fahad Y Mohammed said...

man this is way too hilarious..

Gin said...

Thanks man... check out the other posts too... being a psg tech passout, you will be able to relate to a lot of things i bet... :)

Fahad Y Mohammed said...

dude I read all your posts and copied this to my about me in orkut. :P No copyright infringements meant. Keep up the work machi.

Anonymous said...

awesome :)

Gin said...

@onthedayofcolors , thanks :) wish you a happy stay at gilmabad!