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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Philosophy

Gin stands up with difficulty, takes a few steps with caution . He sees nothing but empty white space covered with smoke everywhere around ... he walks a few more steps before which he turns around and suddenly finds a red board that reads
"Welcome to Gilmabad... You have reached the spot of self realization" !

'Gilmabad - the name surely rings a bell' thought Gin as he walked towards the red board. He was totally awake now and the fear of a new place had faded off. He reached the board and examined it closely. It did not look any different from a normal board that showed directions. But the only difference was there was no direction in this board.

'Which way is gilmabad in'? Gin thought to himself.

'the right way' a voice he heard from a distance.

Gin was shocked for a second. How can he hear a voice that responded to what he was thinking?. He had just seen the mokka baba film the week before when it was released but he was sure all these himalaya effect that was shown in the movie was the biggest mokka he had ever seen (of cors not as big as 'reddu' starring USA).

He looked around to see where the voice was coming from. At a distance he could see a moving object. It was perfectly round and was red in colour. The red colour was in total contrast to the white snow that filled the surroundings. Moreover there was only empty white space as far as one could see and the ball was the only non-static object that he could sense. The red thing that resembled a ball was moving (rather rolling) towards gin. He anxiously waited till it came near him. The ball rolled very close to him and stopped. It was a huge ball as high as his neck. He did not know what to do now.
'should i say hello to a ball?' he thought to himself.It felt a bit wierd. He decided against it and thought he should wait for the ball to make the first move.

A few seconds passed by. A sound was heard now. It was like a motor bike getting started. At the end of the sound, a totally unexpected thing happened. A face popped out from inside onto the top of the ball.

A face!

The face was smiling at him.
Gin could not remain silent now
"You... You... i have seen you before"

The same voice that replied to this thoughts earlier replied now. But this time it was from the face on the top of the ball

"Sure you have"

"But where?"

"Well, in a mirror"

Gin was taken aback. Yes! It did resemble him!

"But only your face resembles me... your body looks like a ball"

The face smiled. It felt as if gin was looking into a mirror and frowning yet the mirror was laughing !

"When did you last see yourself in a full sized mirror?"

Gin fell silent.

'oh my god... do i look like a ball then?' he thought to himself.

"Not really Gin. I don't have a shape for myself. I take the shape and look of the latest human being who turned gilma right at the moment they become one.... Some s/w bug.. iam currently in transition phase...thats why the face-body mismatch"

"But... But... how do you guess what i speak in my mind?"

"Great Gilma's think alike ! Moreover this is my land.. my place.. i rule here .. i know everything that happens here.. this is not like the world you live in"

"are you .... are you..."

"Go ahead...ask what you are thinking"

"are you... GOD?"

"oh.. no..not completely .. iam just a Gilma"

"i don't understand... what is 'not completely'? can you please explain... and where am i now? who are you? why am i here?"

"Ok...lets take it slow... here we go ...God is too busy doing good things for the world .. for the people who are really in need of him ...really in search of him .. so he has outsourced certain responsibilities to me... if you want me to explain in the language that you understand, consider that i am a micro-kernel of god!"


"hmm ... better stop skipping OS classes dude"

" watever .. so what about my remaining questions? why am i here?"

"I answered that before .. you became a gilma just now ..just when you saw your friend R talking over the phone and so you are here"

"R... oh R" Things came to Gin's mind in a flash ... the aaryaas walk.. the chinna vaazha mokka joke .. then R...R talking on the cellphone while he thought he was sick and was in bed.

"Yes... your dear friend R"

"R.. yes.. he is my dear friend... what happened to him?"

"The 'happening' is not for him my boy...its for you"

"what do you mean?"

"Why did you faint when you saw R speaking with a girl on the cell?"

"I ... I ...i don't know .. i felt uncomfortable"

"because he was talking to a girl without your knowledge"

"no..not really.. but may be...yes...that could be it"

"Why should you feel uncomfortable when your friend talks with a girl whom you don't even know well"

"well ... i don't have an explanation .. but how do i get over this problem"


"Flower -what?"

"Its a mystic technique that you must practise... not only you...every gilma practises this... it is like pranayama in yoga...it is like taking guard in cricket...it is the first step that a gilma must do ... it is the foremost beginning of the philospohy of gilma"

"What should one do?"

"If you are a gilma-girl and you see a handsome guy ... or if you are a gilma-guy and you see a attractive girl , lift your right hand .. make it into cone shape .. and just push it forward towards the girl/guy"

"what does that signify"

"it is as if you are showering flowers over the attractive girl or the handsome guy"

"what does flower shower exactly mean?"

"it is like showering flowers over a couple when they get married... we wish the girl/guy a happy life... and that will end all our and their troubles"

"wow... am falling for it already"

"try it out... it works"

"sure.. i will spread the word in my world... let the philosophy of flower showering take over !"

" welcome to the gang!"

"Thanks ... can i take leave now?"

"of course you can... all the best for your new journey ..and a new perspective ... i will come back to you whenever you are in trouble"

"oh.. thanks a lot... but..hey...wait a minute mr.reflection"

"yes sir"

"i don't know your name yet.... how do i call you when i need you"


"but how"

There was only a smile from the other end as the face over the ball slowly pushed itself inside the ball and vanished.

The ball started to roll back to where it came from... after it went away from eyes sight, gin turned around in disappointment for not having got answer to his question.

The moment he turned, he heard a voice. This time it did not come from outside. It was from within.... it sounded strange .. yet it was soothing and comfortable ....
it had a unusual melody and ring to it.... there were not many words used... in fact the music was made of a single word...

gilmananda !

And Gin slowly fainted down to get back to the real world where he belonged to .... where he would spread the magical philosophy of gilmananda ...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Idhu thaan aarambham.. Inimea thaan poogambham